Suggestions for Free Software Foundation's GPG tutorial?
Zak Rogoff
2013-12-10 17:41:35 UTC

I'm Zak Rogoff, a campaigners manager at the FSF. I thought I'd reach
out and let you know that we are in the beginning stages of creating a
GnuPG getting-started tutorial, and ask for your advice and suggestions.

The goal would be to get more people involved in encryption, and to
widely publicize the importance of free software to security. We plan to
make a graphical guide that is as inviting and easy to use as possible
for people running different operating systems. We plan for the guide to
explain how to set up and use Enigmail in Thunderbird, since that seems
to be the easiest and most generalizable method.

We know there are lots of excellent guides out there already, and we
are drawing on them for inspiration as we design our own. Our goal is
to incorporate elements from existing guides, but use graphics more
than others, to make the experience even more welcoming and
approachable for beginners. Since people are very conscious of
surveillance right now, we expect there will be a lot of interest.

I would love to hear any thoughts, feedback or suggestions you have, now
and once there is a draft to share. I've also been in contact with
Werner, Sam and Robert, who let me know about this list.

Thanks for all you do.
- --
Zak Rogoff

Campaigns Manager
Free Software Foundation
GPG ID: B5090AC8
